work_queue.h File Reference
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "timestamp.h"
#include "category.h"
#include "rmsummary.h"

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Data Structures

struct  work_queue_task
 A task description. More...
struct  work_queue_stats
 Statistics describing a work queue. More...


 Default Work Queue port number. More...
 Indicates that any port may be chosen. More...
 Timeout value to wait for a task to complete before returning. More...
 Default value for Work Queue keepalive interval in seconds. More...
 Default value for Work Queue keepalive timeout in seconds. More...


enum  work_queue_file_type_t {
 The input/output type of files used by work_queue_task_specify_file and similar. More...
enum  work_queue_file_flags_t {
 File handling flags used by work_queue_task_specify_file and similar. More...
enum  work_queue_schedule_t { ,
 Task scheduling modes used by work_queue_specify_algorithm and work_queue_task_specify_algorithm. More...
enum  work_queue_result_t {
 Task result types set when a task is complete. More...
enum  work_queue_task_state_t {
 State of a task throughout its lifetime. More...
enum  work_queue_file_t {
 Types of files that can be attached to a task. More...
enum  work_queue_category_mode_t {


Functions - Tasks
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_task_create (const char *full_command)
 Create a new task object. More...
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_task_clone (const struct work_queue_task *task)
 Create a copy of a task Create a functionally identical copy of a work_queue_task that can be re-submitted via work_queue_submit. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_command (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *cmd)
 Indicate the command to be executed. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_coprocess (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *coprocess_name)
 Indicate the command to be executed. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_file (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *local_name, const char *remote_name, work_queue_file_type_t type, work_queue_file_flags_t flags)
 Add a file to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_file_piece (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *local_name, const char *remote_name, off_t start_byte, off_t end_byte, work_queue_file_type_t type, work_queue_file_flags_t flags)
 Add a file piece to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_buffer (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *data, int length, const char *remote_name, work_queue_file_flags_t flags)
 Add an input buffer to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_directory (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *local_name, const char *remote_name, work_queue_file_type_t type, work_queue_file_flags_t flags, int recursive)
 Add a directory to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_url (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *url, const char *remote_name, work_queue_file_type_t type, work_queue_file_flags_t flags)
 Add a url as an input for a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_file_command (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *cmd, const char *remote_name, work_queue_file_type_t type, work_queue_file_flags_t flags)
 Gets/puts file at remote_name using cmd at worker. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_max_retries (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t max_retries)
 Specify the number of times this task is retried on worker errors. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_memory (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t memory)
 Specify the amount of disk space required by a task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_disk (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t disk)
 Specify the amount of disk space required by a task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_cores (struct work_queue_task *t, int cores)
 Specify the number of cores required by a task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_gpus (struct work_queue_task *t, int gpus)
 Specify the number of gpus required by a task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_end_time (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t useconds)
 Specify the maximum end time allowed for the task (in microseconds since the Epoch). More...
void work_queue_task_specify_start_time_min (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t useconds)
 Specify the minimum start time allowed for the task (in microseconds since the Epoch). More...
void work_queue_task_specify_running_time (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t useconds)
 Specify the maximum time (in microseconds) the task is allowed to run in a worker. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_running_time_max (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t seconds)
 Specify the maximum time (in seconds) the task is allowed to run in a worker. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_running_time_min (struct work_queue_task *t, int64_t seconds)
 Specify the minimum time (in seconds) the task is expected to run in a worker. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_tag (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *tag)
 Attach a user defined string tag to the task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_category (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *category)
 Label the task with the given category. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_feature (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *name)
 Label the task with a user-defined feature. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_priority (struct work_queue_task *t, double priority)
 Specify the priority of this task relative to others in the queue. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_environment_variable (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *name, const char *value)
 Specify an environment variable to be added to the task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_algorithm (struct work_queue_task *t, work_queue_schedule_t algorithm)
 Select the scheduling algorithm for a single task. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_monitor_output (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *monitor_output)
 Specify a custom name for the monitoring summary. More...
void work_queue_task_delete (struct work_queue_task *t)
 Delete a task. More...
int work_queue_specify_snapshot_file (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *monitor_snapshot_file)
 When monitoring, indicates a json-encoded file that instructs the monitor to take a snapshot of the task resources. More...
Functions - Queues
struct work_queue * work_queue_create (int port)
 Create a new work queue. More...
struct work_queue * work_queue_ssl_create (int port, const char *key, const char *cert)
 Create a new work queue using SSL. More...
int work_queue_enable_monitoring (struct work_queue *q, char *monitor_output_directory, int watchdog)
 Enables resource monitoring on the give work queue. More...
int work_queue_enable_monitoring_full (struct work_queue *q, char *monitor_output_directory, int watchdog)
 Enables resource monitoring on the give work queue. More...
int work_queue_submit (struct work_queue *q, struct work_queue_task *t)
 Submit a task to a queue. More...
int work_queue_specify_min_taskid (struct work_queue *q, int minid)
 Set the minimum taskid of future submitted tasks. More...
void work_queue_block_host (struct work_queue *q, const char *hostname)
 Block workers in hostname from working for queue q. More...
void work_queue_block_host_with_timeout (struct work_queue *q, const char *hostname, time_t seconds)
 Block workers in hostname from a queue, but remove block after timeout seconds. More...
void work_queue_unblock_host (struct work_queue *q, const char *hostname)
 Unblock host from a queue. More...
void work_queue_unblock_all (struct work_queue *q)
 Unblock all host. More...
void work_queue_invalidate_cached_file (struct work_queue *q, const char *local_name, work_queue_file_t type)
 Invalidate cached file. More...
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_wait (struct work_queue *q, int timeout)
 Wait for a task to complete. More...
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_wait_for_tag (struct work_queue *q, const char *tag, int timeout)
 Wait for a task with a given task to complete. More...
int work_queue_hungry (struct work_queue *q)
 Determine whether the queue is 'hungry' for more tasks. More...
int work_queue_empty (struct work_queue *q)
 Determine whether the queue is empty. More...
int work_queue_port (struct work_queue *q)
 Get the listening port of the queue. More...
void work_queue_get_stats (struct work_queue *q, struct work_queue_stats *s)
 Get queue statistics (only from manager). More...
void work_queue_get_stats_hierarchy (struct work_queue *q, struct work_queue_stats *s)
 Get statistics of the manager queue together with foremen information. More...
void work_queue_get_stats_category (struct work_queue *q, const char *c, struct work_queue_stats *s)
 Get the task statistics for the given category. More...
char * work_queue_status (struct work_queue *q, const char *request)
 Get queue information as json. More...
struct rmsummary ** work_queue_workers_summary (struct work_queue *q)
 Summary data for all workers in buffer. More...
work_queue_task_state_t work_queue_task_state (struct work_queue *q, int taskid)
 Get the current state of the task. More...
void work_queue_set_bandwidth_limit (struct work_queue *q, const char *bandwidth)
 Limit the queue bandwidth when transferring files to and from workers. More...
double work_queue_get_effective_bandwidth (struct work_queue *q)
 Get current queue bandwidth. More...
char * work_queue_get_worker_summary (struct work_queue *q)
 Summarize workers. More...
int work_queue_activate_fast_abort (struct work_queue *q, double multiplier)
 Turn on or off fast abort functionality for a given queue for tasks without an explicit category. More...
int work_queue_activate_fast_abort_category (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, double multiplier)
 Turn on or off fast abort functionality for a given category. More...
int work_queue_specify_draining_by_hostname (struct work_queue *q, const char *hostname, int drain_flag)
 Set the draining mode per worker hostname. More...
int work_queue_specify_category_mode (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, work_queue_category_mode_t mode)
 Turn on or off first-allocation labeling for a given category. More...
void work_queue_specify_category_max_concurrent (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, int max_concurrent)
 Set a maximum number of tasks of this category that can execute concurrently. More...
int work_queue_enable_category_resource (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, const char *resource, int autolabel)
 Turn on or off first-allocation labeling for a given category and resource. More...
void work_queue_specify_algorithm (struct work_queue *q, work_queue_schedule_t algorithm)
 Change the worker selection algorithm. More...
const char * work_queue_name (struct work_queue *q)
 Get the project name of the queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_name (struct work_queue *q, const char *name)
 Change the project name for a given queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_debug_path (struct work_queue *q, const char *path)
 Change the debug log path for a given queue (used by TLQ). More...
void work_queue_specify_tlq_port (struct work_queue *q, int port)
 Change the home host and port for a given queue (used by TLQ). More...
void work_queue_specify_priority (struct work_queue *q, int priority)
 Change the priority for a given queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_num_tasks_left (struct work_queue *q, int ntasks)
 Specify the number of tasks not yet submitted to the queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_catalog_server (struct work_queue *q, const char *hostname, int port)
 Specify the catalog server the manager should report to. More...
void work_queue_specify_catalog_servers (struct work_queue *q, const char *hosts)
 Specify the catalog server(s) the manager should report to. More...
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_cancel_by_taskid (struct work_queue *q, int id)
 Cancel a submitted task using its task id and remove it from queue. More...
struct work_queue_taskwork_queue_cancel_by_tasktag (struct work_queue *q, const char *tag)
 Cancel a submitted task using its tag and remove it from queue. More...
struct list * work_queue_cancel_all_tasks (struct work_queue *q)
 Cancel all submitted tasks and remove them from the queue. More...
int work_queue_shut_down_workers (struct work_queue *q, int n)
 Shut down workers connected to the work_queue system. More...
void work_queue_delete (struct work_queue *q)
 Delete a work queue. More...
int work_queue_specify_log (struct work_queue *q, const char *logfile)
 Add a log file that records cummulative statistics of the connected workers and submitted tasks. More...
int work_queue_specify_transactions_log (struct work_queue *q, const char *logfile)
 Add a log file that records the states of the connected workers and tasks. More...
void work_queue_specify_password (struct work_queue *q, const char *password)
 Add a mandatory password that each worker must present. More...
int work_queue_specify_password_file (struct work_queue *q, const char *file)
 Add a mandatory password file that each worker must present. More...
void work_queue_specify_keepalive_interval (struct work_queue *q, int interval)
 Change the keepalive interval for a given queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_keepalive_timeout (struct work_queue *q, int timeout)
 Change the keepalive timeout for identifying dead workers for a given queue. More...
void work_queue_manager_preferred_connection (struct work_queue *q, const char *preferred_connection)
 Set the preference for using hostname over IP address to connect. More...
int work_queue_tune (struct work_queue *q, const char *name, double value)
 Tune advanced parameters for work queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_max_resources (struct work_queue *q, const struct rmsummary *rm)
 Sets the maximum resources a task without an explicit category ("default" category). More...
void work_queue_specify_min_resources (struct work_queue *q, const struct rmsummary *rm)
 Sets the minimum resources a task without an explicit category ("default" category). More...
void work_queue_specify_category_max_resources (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, const struct rmsummary *rm)
 Sets the maximum resources a task in the category may use. More...
void work_queue_specify_category_min_resources (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, const struct rmsummary *rm)
 Sets the minimum resources a task in the category may use. More...
void work_queue_specify_category_first_allocation_guess (struct work_queue *q, const char *category, const struct rmsummary *rm)
 Set the initial guess for resource autolabeling for the given category. More...
void work_queue_initialize_categories (struct work_queue *q, struct rmsummary *max, const char *summaries_file)
 Initialize first value of categories. More...
const char * work_queue_result_str (work_queue_result_t result)
 Explain result codes from tasks. More...

Functions - Deprecated

 Retrieve tasks based on first-in-first-out order. More...
 Retrieve tasks based on last-in-first-out order. More...
 Work Queue manager does not report to the catalog server. More...
 Work Queue manager reports to catalog server. More...
#define work_queue_master_preferred_connection   work_queue_manager_preferred_connection
#define work_queue_specify_master_mode   work_queue_specify_manager_mode
#define work_queue_blacklist_add   work_queue_block_host
#define work_queue_blacklist_add_with_timeout   work_queue_block_host_with_timeout
#define work_queue_blacklist_remove   work_queue_unblock_host
#define work_queue_blacklist_clear   work_queue_unblock_all
void work_queue_specify_task_order (struct work_queue *q, int order)
 Specified how the submitted tasks should be ordered. More...
void work_queue_specify_manager_mode (struct work_queue *q, int mode)
 Specify the manager mode for a given queue. More...
void work_queue_specify_estimate_capacity_on (struct work_queue *q, int estimate_capacity_on)
 Change whether to estimate manager capacity for a given queue. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_input_buf (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *buf, int length, const char *rname)
 Add an input buffer to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_input_file (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *fname, const char *rname)
 Add an input file to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_input_file_do_not_cache (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *fname, const char *rname)
 Add an input file to a task, without caching. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_output_file (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *rname, const char *fname)
 Add an output file to a task. More...
int work_queue_task_specify_output_file_do_not_cache (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *rname, const char *fname)
 Add an output file to a task without caching. More...
char * work_queue_generate_disk_alloc_full_filename (char *pwd, int taskid)
 Generate a worker-level unique filename to indicate a disk allocation being full. More...
void work_queue_task_specify_enviroment_variable (struct work_queue_task *t, const char *name, const char *value)
 Same as work_queue_task_specify_environment_variable, but with a typo in environment. More...

Detailed Description

A manager-worker library. The work queue provides an implementation of the manager-worker computing model using TCP sockets, Unix applications, and files as intermediate buffers. A manager process uses work_queue_create to create a queue, then work_queue_submit to submit tasks. Once tasks are running, call work_queue_wait to wait for completion. A generic worker program, named work_queue_worker, can be run on any machine, and simply needs to be told the host and port of the manager.

Macro Definition Documentation



Default Work Queue port number.



Indicates that any port may be chosen.



Timeout value to wait for a task to complete before returning.



Default value for Work Queue keepalive interval in seconds.



Default value for Work Queue keepalive timeout in seconds.



Retrieve tasks based on first-in-first-out order.



Retrieve tasks based on last-in-first-out order.



Work Queue manager does not report to the catalog server.



Work Queue manager reports to catalog server.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ work_queue_file_type_t

The input/output type of files used by work_queue_task_specify_file and similar.


Specify an input object.


Specify an output object.

◆ work_queue_file_flags_t

File handling flags used by work_queue_task_specify_file and similar.


Do not cache file at execution site.


Cache file at execution site for later use.


Create a symlink to the file rather than copying it, if possible.


Watch the output file and send back changes as the task runs.


Only return this output file if the task failed.

(Useful for returning large log files.)


Only return this output file if the task succeeded.


If the filename already exists on the host, use it in place.

(Warning: Internal work queue use only.)

◆ work_queue_schedule_t

Task scheduling modes used by work_queue_specify_algorithm and work_queue_task_specify_algorithm.


Select worker on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Select worker that has the most data required by the task.


Select worker that has the fastest execution time on previous tasks.


Select a random worker.



Select the worst fit worker (the worker with more unused resources).

◆ work_queue_result_t

Task result types set when a task is complete.


The task ran successfully.


The task cannot be run due to a missing input file.


The task ran but failed to generate a specified output file.


The task ran but its stdout has been truncated.


The task was terminated with a signal.


The task used more resources than requested.


The task ran after the specified (absolute since epoch) end time.


The result could not be classified.


The task failed, but it was not a task error.


The task could not be completed successfully in the given number of retries.


The task ran for more than the specified time (relative since running in a worker).


The task filled its loop device allocation but needed more space.


The task failed because the monitor did not produce a summary report.


The task failed because an output could be transfered to the manager (not enough disk space, incorrect write permissions.

◆ work_queue_task_state_t

State of a task throughout its lifetime.


There is no such task.


Task is ready to be run, waiting in queue.


Task has been dispatched to some worker.


Task results are available at the worker.


Task results are available at the manager.


Task is done, and returned through work_queue_wait >


Task was canceled before completion.

◆ work_queue_file_t

Types of files that can be attached to a task.


File-spec is a regular file.


Data comes from buffer memory.


File-spec is a regular file.


File-spec refers to only a part of a file.


File-spec is a directory.


File-spec refers to an URL.

◆ work_queue_category_mode_t


When monitoring is disabled, all tasks run as WORK_QUEUE_ALLOCATION_MODE_FIXED.

If monitoring is enabled and resource exhaustion occurs for specified resources values, then the task permanently fails.


When monitoring is enabled, tasks are tried with maximum specified values of cores, memory, disk or gpus until enough statistics are collected.

Then, further tasks are first tried using the maximum values observed, and in case of resource exhaustion, they are retried using the maximum specified values. The task permanently fails when there is an exhaustion using the maximum values. If no maximum values are specified, the task will wait until a larger worker connects.


As above, but tasks are first tried with an automatically computed allocation to minimize resource waste.


As above, but maximizing throughput.


Use the greedy bucketing algorithm to label resources.


Use the exhaustive bucketing algorithm to label resources.

Function Documentation

◆ work_queue_task_create()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_task_create ( const char *  full_command)

Create a new task object.

Once created and elaborated with functions such as work_queue_task_specify_file and work_queue_task_specify_buffer, the task should be passed to work_queue_submit.

full_commandThe shell command line or coprocess functions to be executed by the task. If null, the command will be given later by work_queue_task_specify_command
A new task object, or null if it could not be created.

◆ work_queue_task_clone()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_task_clone ( const struct work_queue_task task)

Create a copy of a task Create a functionally identical copy of a work_queue_task that can be re-submitted via work_queue_submit.

A new task object

◆ work_queue_task_specify_command()

void work_queue_task_specify_command ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  cmd 

Indicate the command to be executed.

tA task object.
cmdThe command to be executed. This string will be duplicated by this call, so the argument may be freed or re-used afterward.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_coprocess()

void work_queue_task_specify_coprocess ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  coprocess_name 

Indicate the command to be executed.

tA task object.
coprocess_nameThe coprocess name that will execute the command at the worker. The task will only be sent to workers running the coprocess.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_file()

int work_queue_task_specify_file ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  local_name,
const char *  remote_name,
work_queue_file_type_t  type,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags 

Add a file to a task.

tA task object.
local_nameThe name of the file on local disk or shared filesystem.
remote_nameThe name of the file at the remote execution site.
typeMust be one of the following values:
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
  • WORK_QUEUE_WATCH indicates that the worker will watch the output file as it is created and incrementally return the file to the manager as the task runs. (The frequency of these updates is entirely dependent upon the system load. If the manager is busy interacting with many workers, output updates will be infrequent.)
1 if the task file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, local_name, or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_file_piece()

int work_queue_task_specify_file_piece ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  local_name,
const char *  remote_name,
off_t  start_byte,
off_t  end_byte,
work_queue_file_type_t  type,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags 

Add a file piece to a task.

tA task object.
local_nameThe name of the file on local disk or shared filesystem.
remote_nameThe name of the file at the remote execution site.
start_byteThe starting byte offset of the file piece to be transferred.
end_byteThe ending byte offset of the file piece to be transferred.
typeMust be one of the following values:
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
1 if the task file piece is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, local_name, or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_buffer()

int work_queue_task_specify_buffer ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  data,
int  length,
const char *  remote_name,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags 

Add an input buffer to a task.

tA task object.
dataThe data to be passed as an input file.
lengthThe length of the buffer, in bytes
remote_nameThe name of the remote file to create.
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
1 if the task file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_directory()

int work_queue_task_specify_directory ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  local_name,
const char *  remote_name,
work_queue_file_type_t  type,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags,
int  recursive 

Add a directory to a task.

tA task object.
local_nameThe name of the directory on local disk or shared filesystem. Optional if the directory is empty.
remote_nameThe name of the directory at the remote execution site.
typeMust be one of the following values:
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
recursiveindicates whether just the directory (0) or the directory and all of its contents (1) should be included.
1 if the task directory is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, local_name, or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_url()

int work_queue_task_specify_url ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  url,
const char *  remote_name,
work_queue_file_type_t  type,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags 

Add a url as an input for a task.

tA task object.
urlThe source URL to be accessed to provide the file.
remote_nameThe name of the file as seen by the task.
typeMust be one of the following values:
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
1 if the task file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_file_command()

int work_queue_task_specify_file_command ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  cmd,
const char *  remote_name,
work_queue_file_type_t  type,
work_queue_file_flags_t  flags 

Gets/puts file at remote_name using cmd at worker.

tA task object.
cmdThe shell command to transfer the file. For input files, it should read the contents from remote_name via stdin. For output files, it should write the contents to stdout.
remote_nameThe name of the file as seen by the task.
typeMust be one of the following values:
flagsMay be zero to indicate no special handling or any of work_queue_file_flags_t or'd together. The most common are:
  • WORK_QUEUE_CACHE indicates that the file should be cached for later tasks. (recommended)
  • WORK_QUEUE_NOCACHE indicates that the file should not be cached for later tasks.
1 if the task file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t or remote_name is null or remote_name is an absolute path.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_max_retries()

void work_queue_task_specify_max_retries ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  max_retries 

Specify the number of times this task is retried on worker errors.

If less than one, the task is retried indefinitely (this the default). A task that did not succeed after the given number of retries is returned with result WORK_QUEUE_RESULT_MAX_RETRIES.

tA task object.
max_retriesThe number of retries.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_memory()

void work_queue_task_specify_memory ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  memory 

Specify the amount of disk space required by a task.

tA task object.
memoryThe amount of disk space required by the task, in megabytes.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_disk()

void work_queue_task_specify_disk ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  disk 

Specify the amount of disk space required by a task.

tA task object.
diskThe amount of disk space required by the task, in megabytes.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_cores()

void work_queue_task_specify_cores ( struct work_queue_task t,
int  cores 

Specify the number of cores required by a task.

tA task object.
coresThe number of cores required by the task.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_gpus()

void work_queue_task_specify_gpus ( struct work_queue_task t,
int  gpus 

Specify the number of gpus required by a task.

tA task object.
gpusThe number of gpus required by the task.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_end_time()

void work_queue_task_specify_end_time ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  useconds 

Specify the maximum end time allowed for the task (in microseconds since the Epoch).

If less than 1, then no end time is specified (this is the default). This is useful, for example, when the task uses certificates that expire.

tA task object.
usecondsNumber of useconds since the Epoch.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_start_time_min()

void work_queue_task_specify_start_time_min ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  useconds 

Specify the minimum start time allowed for the task (in microseconds since the Epoch).

If less than 1, then no minimum start time is specified (this is the default).

tA task object.
usecondsNumber of useconds since the Epoch.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_running_time()

void work_queue_task_specify_running_time ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  useconds 

Specify the maximum time (in microseconds) the task is allowed to run in a worker.

This time is accounted since the the moment the task starts to run in a worker. If less than 1, then no maximum time is specified (this is the default).

tA task object.
usecondsMaximum number of seconds the task may run in a worker.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_running_time_max()

void work_queue_task_specify_running_time_max ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  seconds 

Specify the maximum time (in seconds) the task is allowed to run in a worker.

This time is accounted since the moment the task starts to run in a worker. If less than 1, then no maximum time is specified (this is the default). Note: same effect as work_queue_task_specify_running_time.

tA task object.
secondsMaximum number of seconds the task may run in a worker.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_running_time_min()

void work_queue_task_specify_running_time_min ( struct work_queue_task t,
int64_t  seconds 

Specify the minimum time (in seconds) the task is expected to run in a worker.

This time is accounted since the moment the task starts to run in a worker. If less than 1, then no minimum time is specified (this is the default).

tA task object.
secondsMinimum number of seconds the task may run in a worker.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_tag()

void work_queue_task_specify_tag ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  tag 

Attach a user defined string tag to the task.

This field is not interpreted by the work queue, but is provided for the user's convenience in identifying tasks when they complete.

tA task object.
tagThe tag to attach to task t.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_category()

void work_queue_task_specify_category ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  category 

Label the task with the given category.

It is expected that tasks with the same category have similar resources requirements (e.g. for fast abort).

tA task object.
categoryThe name of the category to use.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_feature()

void work_queue_task_specify_feature ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  name 

Label the task with a user-defined feature.

The task will only run on a worker that provides (–feature option) such feature.

tA task object.
nameThe name of the feature.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_priority()

void work_queue_task_specify_priority ( struct work_queue_task t,
double  priority 

Specify the priority of this task relative to others in the queue.

Tasks with a higher priority value run first. If no priority is given, a task is placed at the end of the ready list, regardless of the priority.

tA task object.
priorityThe priority of the task.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_environment_variable()

void work_queue_task_specify_environment_variable ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Specify an environment variable to be added to the task.

tA task object
nameName of the variable.
valueValue of the variable.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_algorithm()

void work_queue_task_specify_algorithm ( struct work_queue_task t,
work_queue_schedule_t  algorithm 

Select the scheduling algorithm for a single task.

To change the scheduling algorithm for all tasks, use work_queue_specify_algorithm instead.

tA task object.
algorithmThe algorithm to use in assigning this task to a worker. For possible values, see work_queue_schedule_t.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_monitor_output()

void work_queue_task_specify_monitor_output ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  monitor_output 

Specify a custom name for the monitoring summary.

If work_queue_enable_monitoring is also enabled, the summary is also written to that directory.

tA task object.
monitor_outputResource summary file.

◆ work_queue_task_delete()

void work_queue_task_delete ( struct work_queue_task t)

Delete a task.

This may be called on tasks after they are returned from work_queue_wait.

tThe task to delete.

◆ work_queue_specify_snapshot_file()

int work_queue_specify_snapshot_file ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  monitor_snapshot_file 

When monitoring, indicates a json-encoded file that instructs the monitor to take a snapshot of the task resources.

Snapshots appear in the JSON summary file of the task, under the key "snapshots". Snapshots are taken on events on files described in the monitor_snapshot_file. The monitor_snapshot_file is a json encoded file with the following format:

    "FILENAME": {
        "events": [
    "FILENAME": {

All fields but label are optional.

        from-start:boolean         If FILENAME exits when task starts running, process from line 1. Default: false, as the task may be appending to an already existing file.
        from-start-if-truncated    If FILENAME is truncated, process from line 1. Default: true, to account for log rotations.
        delete-if-found            Delete FILENAME when found. Default: false

        label        Name that identifies the snapshot. Only alphanumeric, -,
                     and _ characters are allowed. 
        on-create    Take a snapshot every time the file is created. Default: false
        on-truncate  Take a snapshot when the file is truncated.    Default: false
        pattern      Take a snapshot when a line matches the regexp pattern.    Default: none
        count        Maximum number of snapshots for this label. Default: -1 (no limit)

For more information, consult the manual of the resource_monitor.

tA work queue task object.
monitor_snapshot_fileA filename.
1 if the task file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, or monitor_snapshot_file is null.

◆ work_queue_create()

struct work_queue* work_queue_create ( int  port)

Create a new work queue.

Users may modify the behavior of work_queue_create by setting the following environmental variables before calling the function:

  • WORK_QUEUE_PORT: This sets the default port of the queue (if unset, the default is 9123).
  • WORK_QUEUE_LOW_PORT: If the user requests a random port, then this sets the first port number in the scan range (if unset, the default is 1024).
  • WORK_QUEUE_HIGH_PORT: If the user requests a random port, then this sets the last port number in the scan range (if unset, the default is 32767).
  • WORK_QUEUE_NAME: This sets the project name of the queue, which is reported to a catalog server (by default this is unset).
  • WORK_QUEUE_PRIORITY: This sets the priority of the queue, which is used by workers to sort managers such that higher priority managers will be served first (if unset, the default is 10).

If the queue has a project name, then queue statistics and information will be reported to a catalog server. To specify the catalog server, the user may set the CATALOG_HOST and CATALOG_PORT environmental variables as described in catalog_query_create.

portThe port number to listen on. If zero is specified, then the port stored in the WORK_QUEUE_PORT environment variable is used if available. If it isn't, or if -1 is specified, the first unused port between WORK_QUEUE_LOW_PORT and WORK_QUEUE_HIGH_PORT (1024 and 32767 by default) is chosen.
A new work queue, or null if it could not be created.

◆ work_queue_ssl_create()

struct work_queue* work_queue_ssl_create ( int  port,
const char *  key,
const char *  cert 

Create a new work queue using SSL.

Like work_queue_create, but all communications with the queue are encoded using TLS with they key and certificate provided. If key or cert are NULL, then TLS is not activated.

portThe port number to listen on. If zero is specified, then the port stored in the WORK_QUEUE_PORT environment variable is used if available. If it isn't, or if -1 is specified, the first unused port between WORK_QUEUE_LOW_PORT and WORK_QUEUE_HIGH_PORT (1024 and 32767 by default) is chosen.
keyA key in pem format.
certA certificate in pem format.

◆ work_queue_enable_monitoring()

int work_queue_enable_monitoring ( struct work_queue *  q,
char *  monitor_output_directory,
int  watchdog 

Enables resource monitoring on the give work queue.

It generates a resource summary per task, which is written to the given directory. It also creates all_summaries-PID.log, that consolidates all summaries into a single. If monitor_output_dirname is NULL, work_queue_task is updated with the resources measured, and no summary file is kept unless explicitely given by work_queue_task's monitor_output_file.

qA work queue object.
monitor_output_directoryThe name of the output directory. If NULL, summaries are kept only when monitor_output_directory is specify per task, but resources_measured from work_queue_task is updated.
1 on success, 0 if
watchdogif not 0, kill tasks that exhaust declared resources.
1 on success, o if monitoring was not enabled.

◆ work_queue_enable_monitoring_full()

int work_queue_enable_monitoring_full ( struct work_queue *  q,
char *  monitor_output_directory,
int  watchdog 

Enables resource monitoring on the give work queue.

As work_queue_enable_monitoring, but it generates a time series and a monitor debug file (WARNING: for long running tasks these files may reach gigabyte sizes. This function is mostly used for debugging.)

qA work queue object.
monitor_output_directoryThe name of the output directory.
watchdogif not 0, kill tasks that exhaust declared resources.
1 on success, 0 if monitoring was not enabled.

◆ work_queue_submit()

int work_queue_submit ( struct work_queue *  q,
struct work_queue_task t 

Submit a task to a queue.

Once a task is submitted to a queue, it is not longer under the user's control and should not be inspected until returned via work_queue_wait. Once returned, it is safe to re-submit the same take object via work_queue_submit.

qA work queue object.
tA task object returned from work_queue_task_create.
An integer taskid assigned to the submitted task.

◆ work_queue_specify_min_taskid()

int work_queue_specify_min_taskid ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  minid 

Set the minimum taskid of future submitted tasks.

Further submitted tasks are guaranteed to have a taskid larger or equal to minid. This function is useful to make taskids consistent in a workflow that consists of sequential managers. (Note: This function is rarely used). If the minimum id provided is smaller than the last taskid computed, the minimum id provided is ignored.

qA work queue object.
minidMinimum desired taskid
Returns the actual minimum taskid for future tasks.

◆ work_queue_block_host()

void work_queue_block_host ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hostname 

Block workers in hostname from working for queue q.

qA work queue object.
hostnameA string for hostname.

◆ work_queue_block_host_with_timeout()

void work_queue_block_host_with_timeout ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hostname,
time_t  seconds 

Block workers in hostname from a queue, but remove block after timeout seconds.

If timeout is less than 1, then the hostname is blocked indefinitely, as if work_queue_block_host was called instead.

qA work queue object.
hostnameA string for hostname.
secondsNumber of seconds to the hostname will be blocked.

◆ work_queue_unblock_host()

void work_queue_unblock_host ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hostname 

Unblock host from a queue.

qA work queue object.
hostnameA string for hostname.

◆ work_queue_unblock_all()

void work_queue_unblock_all ( struct work_queue *  q)

Unblock all host.

qA work queue object.

◆ work_queue_invalidate_cached_file()

void work_queue_invalidate_cached_file ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  local_name,
work_queue_file_t  type 

Invalidate cached file.

The file or directory with the given local name specification is deleted from the workers' cache, so that a newer version may be used. Any running task using the file is canceled and resubmitted. Completed tasks waiting for retrieval are not affected. (Currently anonymous buffers and file pieces cannot be deleted once cached in a worker.)

qA work queue object.
local_nameThe name of the file on local disk or shared filesystem, or uri.
typeOne of:

◆ work_queue_wait()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_wait ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  timeout 

Wait for a task to complete.

This call will block until either a task has completed, the timeout has expired, or the queue is empty. If a task has completed, the corresponding task object will be returned by this function. The caller may examine the task and then dispose of it using work_queue_task_delete.

If the task ran to completion, then the result field will be zero and the return_status field will contain the Unix exit code of the task. If the task could not, then the result field will be non-zero and the return_status field will be undefined.

qA work queue object.
timeoutThe number of seconds to wait for a completed task before returning. Use an integer time to set the timeout or the constant WORK_QUEUE_WAITFORTASK to block until a task has completed.
A completed task description, or null if the queue is empty, or the timeout was reached without a completed task, or there is completed child process (call process_wait to retrieve the status of the completed child process).

◆ work_queue_wait_for_tag()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_wait_for_tag ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  tag,
int  timeout 

Wait for a task with a given task to complete.

Similar to work_queue_wait, but guarantees that the returned task has the specified tag.

qA work queue object.
tagThe desired tag. If NULL, then tasks are returned regardless of their tag.
timeoutThe number of seconds to wait for a completed task before returning. Use an integer time to set the timeout or the constant WORK_QUEUE_WAITFORTASK to block until a task has completed.
A completed task description, or null if the queue is empty, or the timeout was reached without a completed task, or there is completed child process (call process_wait to retrieve the status of the completed child process).

◆ work_queue_hungry()

int work_queue_hungry ( struct work_queue *  q)

Determine whether the queue is 'hungry' for more tasks.

While the Work Queue can handle a very large number of tasks, it runs most efficiently when the number of tasks is slightly larger than the number of active workers. This function gives the user of a flexible application a hint about whether it would be better to submit more tasks via work_queue_submit or wait for some to complete via work_queue_wait.

qA work queue object.
The number of additional tasks that can be efficiently submitted, or zero if the queue has enough to work with right now.

◆ work_queue_empty()

int work_queue_empty ( struct work_queue *  q)

Determine whether the queue is empty.

When all of the desired tasks have been submitted to the queue, the user should continue to call work_queue_wait until this function returns true.

qA work queue object.
True if the queue is completely empty, false otherwise.

◆ work_queue_port()

int work_queue_port ( struct work_queue *  q)

Get the listening port of the queue.

As noted in work_queue_create, there are many controls that affect what TCP port the queue will listen on. Rather than assuming a specific port, the user should simply call this function to determine what port was selected.

qA work queue object.
The port the queue is listening on.

◆ work_queue_get_stats()

void work_queue_get_stats ( struct work_queue *  q,
struct work_queue_stats s 

Get queue statistics (only from manager).

qA work queue object.
sA pointer to a buffer that will be filed with statistics.

◆ work_queue_get_stats_hierarchy()

void work_queue_get_stats_hierarchy ( struct work_queue *  q,
struct work_queue_stats s 

Get statistics of the manager queue together with foremen information.

qA work queue object.
sA pointer to a buffer that will be filed with statistics.

◆ work_queue_get_stats_category()

void work_queue_get_stats_category ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  c,
struct work_queue_stats s 

Get the task statistics for the given category.

qA work queue object.
cA category name.
sA pointer to a buffer that will be filed with statistics.

◆ work_queue_status()

char* work_queue_status ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  request 

Get queue information as json.

qA work queue object.
requestOne of: queue, tasks, workers, or categories

◆ work_queue_workers_summary()

struct rmsummary** work_queue_workers_summary ( struct work_queue *  q)

Summary data for all workers in buffer.

qA work queue object.
A null terminated array of struct rmsummary. Each summary s indicates the number of s->workers with a certain number of s->cores, s->memory, and s->disk. The array and summaries need to be freed after use to avoid memory leaks.

◆ work_queue_task_state()

work_queue_task_state_t work_queue_task_state ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  taskid 

Get the current state of the task.

qA work queue object.
taskidThe taskid of the task.

◆ work_queue_set_bandwidth_limit()

void work_queue_set_bandwidth_limit ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  bandwidth 

Limit the queue bandwidth when transferring files to and from workers.

qA work queue object.
bandwidthThe bandwidth limit in bytes per second.

◆ work_queue_get_effective_bandwidth()

double work_queue_get_effective_bandwidth ( struct work_queue *  q)

Get current queue bandwidth.

qA work queue object.
The average bandwidth in MB/s measured by the manager.

◆ work_queue_get_worker_summary()

char* work_queue_get_worker_summary ( struct work_queue *  q)

Summarize workers.

This function summarizes the workers currently connected to the manager, indicating how many from each worker pool are attached.

qA work queue object.
A newly allocated string describing the distribution of workers by pool. The caller must release this string via free().

◆ work_queue_activate_fast_abort()

int work_queue_activate_fast_abort ( struct work_queue *  q,
double  multiplier 

Turn on or off fast abort functionality for a given queue for tasks without an explicit category.

Given the multiplier, abort a task which running time is larger than the average times the multiplier. Fast-abort is computed per task category. The value specified here applies to all the categories for which work_queue_activate_fast_abort_category was not explicitely called.

qA work queue object.
multiplierThe multiplier of the average task time at which point to abort; if less than zero, fast_abort is deactivated (the default).
0 if activated, 1 if deactivated.

◆ work_queue_activate_fast_abort_category()

int work_queue_activate_fast_abort_category ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
double  multiplier 

Turn on or off fast abort functionality for a given category.

Given the multiplier, abort a task which running time is larger than the average times the multiplier. The value specified here applies only to tasks in the given category. (Note: work_queue_activate_fast_abort_category(q, "default", n) is the same as work_queue_activate_fast_abort(q, n).)

qA work queue object.
categoryA category name.
multiplierThe multiplier of the average task time at which point to abort; if zero, fast_abort is deactivated. If less than zero (default), use the fast abort of the "default" category.
0 if activated, 1 if deactivated.

◆ work_queue_specify_draining_by_hostname()

int work_queue_specify_draining_by_hostname ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hostname,
int  drain_flag 

Set the draining mode per worker hostname.

If drain_flag is 0, workers at hostname receive tasks as usual. If drain_flag is not 1, no new tasks are dispatched to workers at hostname, and if empty they are shutdown.

qA work queue object.
hostnameThe hostname running the worker.
drain_flagDraining mode.

◆ work_queue_specify_category_mode()

int work_queue_specify_category_mode ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
work_queue_category_mode_t  mode 

Turn on or off first-allocation labeling for a given category.

By default, cores, memory, and disk are labeled, and gpus are unlabeled. Turn on/off other specific resources use work_queue_enable_category_resource

qA work queue object.
categoryA category name.
modeOne of work_queue_category_mode_t.
1 if mode is valid, 0 otherwise.

◆ work_queue_specify_category_max_concurrent()

void work_queue_specify_category_max_concurrent ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
int  max_concurrent 

Set a maximum number of tasks of this category that can execute concurrently.

If less than 0, unlimited (this is the default).

qA work queue object.
categoryA category name.
max_concurrentNumber of maximum concurrent tasks.

◆ work_queue_enable_category_resource()

int work_queue_enable_category_resource ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
const char *  resource,
int  autolabel 

Turn on or off first-allocation labeling for a given category and resource.

This function should be use to fine-tune the defaults from work_queue_specify_category_mode.

qA work queue object.
categoryA category name.
resourceA resource name.
autolabel0 off, 1 on.
1 if resource is valid, 0 otherwise.

◆ work_queue_specify_algorithm()

void work_queue_specify_algorithm ( struct work_queue *  q,
work_queue_schedule_t  algorithm 

Change the worker selection algorithm.

This function controls which worker will be selected for a given task.

qA work queue object.
algorithmThe algorithm to use in assigning a task to a worker. See work_queue_schedule_t for possible values.

◆ work_queue_name()

const char* work_queue_name ( struct work_queue *  q)

Get the project name of the queue.

qA work queue object.
The project name of the queue.

◆ work_queue_specify_name()

void work_queue_specify_name ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  name 

Change the project name for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
nameThe new project name.

◆ work_queue_specify_debug_path()

void work_queue_specify_debug_path ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  path 

Change the debug log path for a given queue (used by TLQ).

qA work queue object.
pathThe debug log path.

◆ work_queue_specify_tlq_port()

void work_queue_specify_tlq_port ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  port 

Change the home host and port for a given queue (used by TLQ).

qA work queue object.
portNew local port for the TLQ URL.

◆ work_queue_specify_priority()

void work_queue_specify_priority ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  priority 

Change the priority for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
priorityThe new priority of the queue. Higher priority managers will attract workers first.

◆ work_queue_specify_num_tasks_left()

void work_queue_specify_num_tasks_left ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  ntasks 

Specify the number of tasks not yet submitted to the queue.

It is used by work_queue_factory to determine the number of workers to launch. If not specified, it defaults to 0. work_queue_factory considers the number of tasks as: num tasks left + num tasks running + num tasks read.

qA work queue object.
ntasksNumber of tasks yet to be submitted.

◆ work_queue_specify_catalog_server()

void work_queue_specify_catalog_server ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hostname,
int  port 

Specify the catalog server the manager should report to.

qA work queue object.
hostnameThe catalog server's hostname.
portThe port the catalog server is listening on.

◆ work_queue_specify_catalog_servers()

void work_queue_specify_catalog_servers ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  hosts 

Specify the catalog server(s) the manager should report to.

qA work queue object.
hostsThe catalog servers given as a comma delimited list of hostnames or hostname:port

◆ work_queue_cancel_by_taskid()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_cancel_by_taskid ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  id 

Cancel a submitted task using its task id and remove it from queue.

qA work queue object.
idThe taskid returned from work_queue_submit.
The task description of the cancelled task, or null if the task was not found in queue. The returned task must be deleted with work_queue_task_delete or resubmitted with work_queue_submit.

◆ work_queue_cancel_by_tasktag()

struct work_queue_task* work_queue_cancel_by_tasktag ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  tag 

Cancel a submitted task using its tag and remove it from queue.

qA work queue object.
tagThe tag name assigned to task using work_queue_task_specify_tag.
The task description of the cancelled task, or null if the task was not found in queue. The returned task must be deleted with work_queue_task_delete or resubmitted with work_queue_submit.

◆ work_queue_cancel_all_tasks()

struct list* work_queue_cancel_all_tasks ( struct work_queue *  q)

Cancel all submitted tasks and remove them from the queue.

qA work queue object.
A struct list of all of the tasks canceled. Each task must be deleted with work_queue_task_delete or resubmitted with work_queue_submit.

◆ work_queue_shut_down_workers()

int work_queue_shut_down_workers ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  n 

Shut down workers connected to the work_queue system.

Gives a best effort and then returns the number of workers given the shut down order.

qA work queue object.
nThe number to shut down. All workers if given "0".

◆ work_queue_delete()

void work_queue_delete ( struct work_queue *  q)

Delete a work queue.

This function should only be called after work_queue_empty returns true.

qA work queue to delete.

◆ work_queue_specify_log()

int work_queue_specify_log ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  logfile 

Add a log file that records cummulative statistics of the connected workers and submitted tasks.

qA work queue object.
logfileThe filename.
1 if logfile was opened, 0 otherwise.

◆ work_queue_specify_transactions_log()

int work_queue_specify_transactions_log ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  logfile 

Add a log file that records the states of the connected workers and tasks.

qA work queue object.
logfileThe filename.
1 if logfile was opened, 0 otherwise.

◆ work_queue_specify_password()

void work_queue_specify_password ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  password 

Add a mandatory password that each worker must present.

qA work queue object.
passwordThe password to require.

◆ work_queue_specify_password_file()

int work_queue_specify_password_file ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  file 

Add a mandatory password file that each worker must present.

qA work queue object.
fileThe name of the file containing the password.
True if the password was loaded, false otherwise.

◆ work_queue_specify_keepalive_interval()

void work_queue_specify_keepalive_interval ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  interval 

Change the keepalive interval for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
intervalThe minimum number of seconds to wait before sending new keepalive checks to workers.

◆ work_queue_specify_keepalive_timeout()

void work_queue_specify_keepalive_timeout ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  timeout 

Change the keepalive timeout for identifying dead workers for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
timeoutThe minimum number of seconds to wait for a keepalive response from worker before marking it as dead.

◆ work_queue_manager_preferred_connection()

void work_queue_manager_preferred_connection ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  preferred_connection 

Set the preference for using hostname over IP address to connect.

'by_ip' uses IP addresses from the network interfaces of the manager (standard behavior), 'by_hostname' to use the hostname at the manager, or 'by_apparent_ip' to use the address of the manager as seen by the catalog server.

qA work queue object.
preferred_connectionAn string to indicate using 'by_ip' or a 'by_hostname'.

◆ work_queue_tune()

int work_queue_tune ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  name,
double  value 

Tune advanced parameters for work queue.

qA work queue object.
nameThe name of the parameter to tune
  • "resource-submit-multiplier" Treat each worker as having ({cores,memory,gpus} * multiplier) when submitting tasks. This allows for tasks to wait at a worker rather than the manager. (default = 1.0)
  • "min-transfer-timeout" Set the minimum number of seconds to wait for files to be transferred to or from a worker. (default=10)
  • "foreman-transfer-timeout" Set the minimum number of seconds to wait for files to be transferred to or from a foreman. (default=3600)
  • "transfer-outlier-factor" Transfer that are this many times slower than the average will be aborted. (default=10x)
  • "default-transfer-rate" The assumed network bandwidth used until sufficient data has been collected. (1MB/s)
  • "fast-abort-multiplier" Set the multiplier of the average task time at which point to abort; if negative or zero fast_abort is deactivated. (default=0)
  • "keepalive-interval" Set the minimum number of seconds to wait before sending new keepalive checks to workers. (default=300)
  • "keepalive-timeout" Set the minimum number of seconds to wait for a keepalive response from worker before marking it as dead. (default=30)
  • "short-timeout" Set the minimum timeout when sending a brief message to a single worker. (default=5s)
  • "long-timeout" Set the minimum timeout when sending a brief message to a foreman. (default=1h)
  • "category-steady-n-tasks" Set the number of tasks considered when computing category buckets.
  • "hungry-minimum" Mimimum number of tasks to consider queue not hungry. (default=10)
  • "wait-for-workers" Mimimum number of workers to connect before starting dispatching tasks. (default=0)
  • "attempt-schedule-depth" The amount of tasks to attempt scheduling on each pass of send_one_task in the main loop. (default=100)
  • "wait_retrieve_many" Parameter to alter how work_queue_wait works. If set to 0, work_queue_wait breaks out of the while loop whenever a task changes to WORK_QUEUE_TASK_DONE (wait_retrieve_one mode). If set to 1, work_queue_wait does not break, but continues recieving and dispatching tasks. This occurs until no task is sent or recieved, at which case it breaks out of the while loop (wait_retrieve_many mode). (default=0)
  • "monitor-interval" Parameter to change how frequently the resource monitor records resource consumption of a task in a times series, if this feature is enabled. See work_queue_enable_monitoring_full.
valueThe value to set the parameter to.
0 on succes, -1 on failure.

◆ work_queue_specify_max_resources()

void work_queue_specify_max_resources ( struct work_queue *  q,
const struct rmsummary rm 

Sets the maximum resources a task without an explicit category ("default" category).

rm specifies the maximum resources a task in the default category may use.

qReference to the current work queue object.
rmStructure indicating maximum values. See rmsummary for possible fields.

◆ work_queue_specify_min_resources()

void work_queue_specify_min_resources ( struct work_queue *  q,
const struct rmsummary rm 

Sets the minimum resources a task without an explicit category ("default" category).

rm specifies the maximum resources a task in the default category may use.

qReference to the current work queue object.
rmStructure indicating maximum values. See rmsummary for possible fields.

◆ work_queue_specify_category_max_resources()

void work_queue_specify_category_max_resources ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
const struct rmsummary rm 

Sets the maximum resources a task in the category may use.

qReference to the current work queue object.
categoryName of the category.
rmStructure indicating minimum values. See rmsummary for possible fields.

◆ work_queue_specify_category_min_resources()

void work_queue_specify_category_min_resources ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
const struct rmsummary rm 

Sets the minimum resources a task in the category may use.

qReference to the current work queue object.
categoryName of the category.
rmStructure indicating minimum values. See rmsummary for possible fields.

◆ work_queue_specify_category_first_allocation_guess()

void work_queue_specify_category_first_allocation_guess ( struct work_queue *  q,
const char *  category,
const struct rmsummary rm 

Set the initial guess for resource autolabeling for the given category.

qReference to the current work queue object.
categoryName of the category.
rmStructure indicating maximum values. Autolabeling available for cores, memory, disk, and gpus

◆ work_queue_initialize_categories()

void work_queue_initialize_categories ( struct work_queue *  q,
struct rmsummary max,
const char *  summaries_file 

Initialize first value of categories.

qReference to the current work queue object.
maxStructure indicating maximum values. Autolabeling available for cores, memory, disk, and gpus
summaries_fileJSON file with resource summaries.

◆ work_queue_result_str()

const char* work_queue_result_str ( work_queue_result_t  result)

Explain result codes from tasks.

resultResult from a task returned by work_queue_wait.
String representation of task result code.

◆ work_queue_specify_task_order()

void work_queue_specify_task_order ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  order 

Specified how the submitted tasks should be ordered.

It does not have any effect now.

qA work queue object.
orderThe ordering to use for dispatching submitted tasks:

◆ work_queue_specify_manager_mode()

void work_queue_specify_manager_mode ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  mode 

Specify the manager mode for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
Enabled automatically when work_queue_specify_name is used.

◆ work_queue_specify_estimate_capacity_on()

void work_queue_specify_estimate_capacity_on ( struct work_queue *  q,
int  estimate_capacity_on 

Change whether to estimate manager capacity for a given queue.

qA work queue object.
estimate_capacity_onif the value of this parameter is 1, then work queue should estimate the manager capacity. If the value is 0, then work queue would not estimate its manager capacity.
This feature is always enabled.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_input_buf()

int work_queue_task_specify_input_buf ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  buf,
int  length,
const char *  rname 

Add an input buffer to a task.

tThe task to which to add parameters
bufA pointer to the data buffer to send to the worker to be available to the commands.
lengthThe number of bytes of data in the buffer
rnameThe name of the file in which to store the buffer data on the worker
1 if the input buffer is successfully specified, 0 if either of t or rname is null or rname is an absolute path.
Use work_queue_task_specify_buffer instead.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_input_file()

int work_queue_task_specify_input_file ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  fname,
const char *  rname 

Add an input file to a task.

tThe task to which to add parameters
fnameThe name of the data file to send to the worker to be available to the commands.
rnameThe name of the file in which to store the buffer data on the worker.
1 if the input file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, fname, or rname is null or rname is an absolute path.
See work_queue_task_specify_file instead.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_input_file_do_not_cache()

int work_queue_task_specify_input_file_do_not_cache ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  fname,
const char *  rname 

Add an input file to a task, without caching.

tThe task to which to add parameters
fnameThe name of the data file to send to the worker to be available to the commands.
rnameThe name of the file in which to store the buffer data on the worker.
1 if the input file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, fname, or rname is null or rname is an absolute path.
See work_queue_task_specify_file instead.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_output_file()

int work_queue_task_specify_output_file ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  rname,
const char *  fname 

Add an output file to a task.

tThe task to which to add parameters
rnameThe name of a file created by the program when it runs.
fnameThe name of the file local target for copying rname back.
1 if the output file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, fname, or rname is null or rname is an absolute path.
See work_queue_task_specify_file instead.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_output_file_do_not_cache()

int work_queue_task_specify_output_file_do_not_cache ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  rname,
const char *  fname 

Add an output file to a task without caching.

tThe task to which to add parameters
rnameThe name of a file created by the program when it runs.
fnameThe name of the file local target for copying rname back.
1 if the output file is successfully specified, 0 if either of t, fname, or rname is null or rname is an absolute path.
See work_queue_task_specify_file instead.

◆ work_queue_generate_disk_alloc_full_filename()

char* work_queue_generate_disk_alloc_full_filename ( char *  pwd,
int  taskid 

Generate a worker-level unique filename to indicate a disk allocation being full.

pwdBase pathname.
taskidid of the task to generate the filename.
The string corresponding to the filename.

◆ work_queue_task_specify_enviroment_variable()

void work_queue_task_specify_enviroment_variable ( struct work_queue_task t,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Same as work_queue_task_specify_environment_variable, but with a typo in environment.